About Us

Meadowbend Games is a creator of tabletop roleplaying content using both original and existing TTRPG systems. We have published several adventures set in the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons. We also have multiple original projects in the works. 


We believe in the power of tabletop gaming to bring people together. Let's face it — our world today can be awfully bleak. We all should have the chance to spend an afternoon with friends, escaping the real world to explore one you create together. 

What's with the name?

Our name is a testament to how TTRPGs bring people together. When our creator moved to a new city in 2017, he knew almost no one. He and his only friend started a D&D group with him as the DM, and their group quickly became the best of friends. At the close of the group's first campaign, the player characters found themselves in a brand new world they would create from scratch. The place where they arrived became a place of power in this new world, and a city rose up there. That city's name: Meadowbend. That very same group plays together to this day, continuing a storyline in its fourth ongoing campaign.

Meet the Team

Nick Kendall

Founder & Perpetual DM   |   he/they  |  gamemaster@meadowbendgames.com

Nick is a professional writer and editor, public servant, and former journalist. He is a lifelong nerd who enjoys video games, fantasy novels, all sorts of television, board gaming, generally nerdery, and of course tabletop roleplaying. 

He has played TTRPGs for well over a decade. For almost as long as he's played, he also has run sessions as the gamemaster. Currently, he leads a group of six players in a multi-campaign story that has lasted since 2017. They're currently playing a band of thieves in space.

Nick lives in Columbus, OH, with his husband Jeremy, cat Rory, and dogs Ongo and Knox.